An increasing number of employees are working from home, or becoming freelancers or entrepreneurs where they may work from their home or from a shared work space. Here, the interruptions can multiply, with spouses and children eager to interact, or repair-people, neighbors or mailmen demanding a little of their attention. Embrava solutions help work at home individuals reduce distractions and stay on task while they are working.
An employee or solopreneur who works from a home office or telecommutes
Too many distractions and interruptions from family, visitors, and other personal demands
Status lights allow family members and visitors to see when the user is working so they don’t interrupt them
Embrava status lights are highly visible, and the SDK allows customization to their specific environment needs.
More Workers are Working at Home… and are Challenged by Distractions and Interruptions
Recent reports indicate that information workers enjoy the flexibility of working from home some of the time and most consider the ability to telework an important consideration in staying with a company.
However, working from home comes with its share of challenges: noisy kids, family members interrupting without knocking, demanding pets, personal phone calls, visitors, household chores calling to be done, the TV… the list goes on. How can workers better manage their time and remain focused while working at home?
According to the US Census, nearly 6 million Americans work primarily from home.
Embrava Busy Lights let Everyone Know When You’re Working or Available
Embrava status lights create an easy-to-use “stoplight system,” that any family member can understand (well, except for perhaps the family dog!). The standalone Blynclight creates a highly visible red, yellow, or green light by the office door, indicating “busy” / “knock first” / “available”. The Lumena headset light can be used in the same way, even when mobile about the house. Even for young children, it is very visual and easy to understand. The Embrava SDK can even be used to integrate the status light into the user’s preferred collaboration medium, whether that is Skype, social media, or any other communication tool.
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